This is a space for authors to get the encouragement, information, and inspiration they need to market their books effectively.
How I Allowed Myself to Be in the Spotlight
I didn't want to be in the spotlight. Ever.The idea of seeing my name in a newspaper made me cringe. The idea of seeing myself on television or in radio made me want to curl into a fetal position and suck my thumb. I'm Lara Helmling, author, unconventional literary...
Five Tasks in One Hour to Effective Book Marketing
How are you marketing your book today? Don’t worry about what you’ll do next week... And especially don’t worry about whether your marketing is going to work... Just decide to do something! Well, not just anything... Do something that adheres to solid marketing...
How I Spent $37,000 Learning Marketing And How You Can Avoid All That
Meet Merri Oxley, a Washington DC veteran with 30+ years in PR, she is dedicated to working for bestselling authors just like you want to be!
Episode One of the “Why Should I Bother” Series
"Why Should I Bother Podcasting?"People have traded in their playlists of music for podcasts and consumers around the globe are tuning into them. That's right, it's a proven fact that about 25% of Americans are listening to podcasts on a monthly basis. It is estimated...
Focusing On One Focal Point At a Time: Marketing Made Simple
Stop Overloading Yourself Many of us have started working on one thing, to stop in the middle, and instantly start working on something else. Just imagine this scenario... You sit down to create a plan for your marketing campaign. After writing three sentences, you...
The Agony of Self-Promotion…and Why You Have to Get Over It
The Agony of Self-Promotion...and Why You Have to Get Over It Today I’m going to tell you a story… A story of an author who couldn’t bring herself to promote her book… She felt like she was bragging… She didn’t believe she was good enough… Yet she admired those who...
Get Your Marketing Working
The first step to book marketing that works is to have a platform. I’ve created this Starter Kit for you to understand what your marketing platform actually is and how to ensure that your platform is going to support your book sales’ efforts.